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Let’s introduce in-depth Bible Study to the next generation.

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Is there someone in your life that would love to be involved in BSF but needs to make it fit with a busy lifestyle? We’ve taken the BSF four-fold approach and created a way for people to start a small group Bible study, resourced with BSF materials and powered by a mobile app.

How WordGo Works

Read the Bible

Answer the study questions

Enjoy the study notes

Listen to the teaching

Gather with your group

Everything you need is in the app

As a Group Guide, you’ll get access to some useful features.

Gather Your Friends

Invite a group of friends to be part of your WordGo Group. All from within the app.

Create private notes

Keep track of group prayer points and personal notes in a guide-only app area.

Send notifications

Keep members updated with any location, date, or time changes by sending push notifications.

Get Support

Get access to relevant training and support from the WordGo team.

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