Member Story

The power of Christ–centered community

Member story – Terri Fraley

Bennett Rolan · 3 min read

Sitting across from a former heroin addict, Terri Fraley listened as her fellow group member shared about his fear of relapsing into addiction. In a heart-wrenching moment, Terri and the rest of her church life group encouraged their friend to hold fast to his new faith, trusting Jesus with his past sin and present struggle.

“As we left, I told my husband ‘Wow! That was very transparent sharing!’ We were reading the first part of John chapter 6. As we were going through those passages, we could see where he struggled. And we brought Truth alongside of him, building his confidence according to God’s Word.”

For years, Terri had been praying for this group. She longed for them to experience the power of a community built on Christ. But as Terri introduced one Bible study after another, the group seemed lost. In her words, “They just weren’t tracking.”

As an experienced BSF Group Leader, Terri has seen God’s Word transform strangers into a band of sisters in Christ. During her years as a Teaching Leader, she watched God draw hundreds of women to Himself through Scripture. And as an Area Personnel, training other Teaching Leaders, Terri knows that the Holy Spirit works intimately through the Bible.

But for her church life group, nothing seemed to work. Then she tried WordGo.

After introducing the app, Terri’s church group came to life.

“For the first time in three years, I saw some of our ‘new to the faith’ believers starting to track. They were actually looking at the lesson through the week. And that was a huge victory,” she said. “What’s helping them is that there are only two to three questions on each day. The app is not academic looking. It’s not intimidating.”

For Terri’s diverse group, WordGo offers an opportunity for each person to explore God’s Word at their own individual levels. For the long-time Bible student in her group, the notes and audio teaching provide a deeper study experience. For the busy teacher, who is also a foster mom to four teenagers, the app’s flexibility allows her to connect with the Lord at home and on-the-go.

“She just went through a very painful divorce, and she has difficulty relating to Bible study,” Terri shared. “This is the first time she’s begun to follow along with us. She has her phone out every week and is engaged and reading from the Scriptures that are right there on her phone. I have seen God working in her life.  She’s the one that has asked for this app all along. It’s the one thing that’s working for her!”

Every week, members are discovering a deeper connection to God through His Word and this unique community He has drawn together.

“We’ve seen a lot of transparency because of this app. We didn’t see a whole lot of that previously, before using this particular format. It just lends itself to a more transparent connection.”

For Terri, WordGo was an answer to prayer. The app gave her diverse group members the kind of support they needed to discover God’s Truth. And while we celebrate God’s work through Terri, her story causes us to pause. Her years of prayer inspire us to look around and ask, “How might God be calling me to share?”

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus gave His disciples a final command with a promise. As His parting words, Jesus said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

For many of us, sharing God’s truth can be intimidating. But whether we have years of training or are still finding our way through the books of the Bible, God is faithful to provide an opportunity to share when we are willing to walk in faith. So how will you get started? Where might God be giving you a place to begin?

The WordGo app contains a library of courses designed for individuals or groups looking for 1 – 6 week Bible studies. Why not start by asking one other person to study the Bible with you and see where the Lord leads it. Download the WordGo app for free from your app store to get started.

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