Philippians 2

Study Length: 2 weeks

What is the source of your joy?

The world around us offers many forms of happiness and comfort, but none offer genuine or lasting joy. When difficult circumstances arise, our phony supply fails to deliver. We all yearn for joy that delivers triumph over tragedy, courage to love without fear, and security that abounds despite adversities.

Discover the source of the joyful life that God created us to crave in Paul’s letter to his beloved Philippians. In this two-week course, Joy in Christ, Paul reveals that Jesus Christ is the source of inexhaustible joy.

This course unpacks Philippians chapter 2, where Paul challenges the early church (and believers today) to develop a mind that is fully aligned with Christ, prizing Him as our greatest treasure and submitting all circumstances to His overpowering joy.

In week one, explore the joy of unity in Christian community. Paul describes how humility promotes unity as believers look not only to their own interests, but to the interests of others. Paul charges believers to have the same “mind” as Christ and to faithfully imitate His self-sacrificial attitude.

In week two, discover the joy of devotion. In teaching about Christ’s incarnation, Paul reminds us that Jesus humbled Himself as a servant. God the Son came to dwell in flesh as one of us. He lived sinlessly, died sacrificially, and was resurrected victoriously for our good.

Surprisingly, we experience true joy through faithfully identifying with our humble Savior. Self-sacrifice is never popular, but it is intimately tied up with our joy in Christ.

How might you become more like-minded with Christ, exchanging temporary comforts for His everlasting joy?


What's included:

Develop a weekly routine and daily rhythm of engaging with the Bible.

Take time to develop a deeper understanding of the passage and consider how it applies to your everyday life.

Dig deeper into the text using purpose-made content from a network of trusted scholars.

Expand your grasp of each passage with Bible teaching and storytelling that offer additional insights and action points.

Ask questions and share what you're learning with fellow members in a weekly Group Gathering.

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